Kuorineen käytetyistä, kypsistä Pinot Gris -rypäleistä valmistettu oranssiviini Uudesta-Seelannista, Martinborough’n alueelta. Käsin poimitut rypäleet käytettiin ilman rankoja 42 päivää kuorien kanssa. Käymisen jälkeen viinin sakkoja sekoitettiin tasaisesti. Lopputuloksena täyteläinen, puhdaspiirteinen ja aromikas oranssiviini.
DON Wines on Alex Craigheadin ja Josefina Venturinon kunnianosoitus Josefinan Argentiinalaiselle isoisälle Don Ramos Dusille. Alex ja Josefina tekevät viiniä natural-menetelmillä orgaanisesti viljellyistä rypäleistä, eri viinialueilta Uudesta-Seelannista.
The Don Martinborough Pinot Gris is hand harvested when the skins have optimal ripeness. The grapes are then destemmed (40% whole berry) to tank, where the field starter of indigenous yeast is added. The wine is pumped over extremely gently twice a day during fermentation for no more than 2 minutes at a time in order to just wet the cap and minimize extraction. The wine is then pressed slowly once the tannin balance is deemed to be ideal (in this case 42 days). The resulting wine is stirred on lees once per week for three months before being lightly racked and bottled with a small addition of 30ppm sulphur dioxide. This is the only addition in the winemaking process in order to maximize the integrity of the wine and its expression. Cloudy by design, the Don Martinborough Pinot Gris is pure expression of its terroir and the winemakers hands off vision.
Click the link below for further information about DON Wines.